Court Report Portfolio

Case 1

Defendant: Mr Khan

Victim: Cornershop owner on Oliver Street

Heard at Coventry Magistrates court

Verdict: Mr Khan pleaded not guilty 

Decision: Case adjourned until November 20th 2024

Sentence: A restraining order was placed on Mr Khan from entering Oliver St until the case is closed. Mr Khan must also get new solicitors for his next sentencing.

On Thursday, October 10th, a man charged with assaulting a corner shop owner in Oliver St appeared in Coventry Magistrates Court to receive his sentencing.

The assault took place on April 16th 2024, as Mr Khan was caught on CCTV leaving the store owner in a vulnerable state.

Mr Khan was sent out of the courtroom, first thing, to get alcohol assessed as it was found that he was intoxicated during his trial. The prosecution quickly brought up the point that Mr Khan was previously an alcoholic but had now become a frequent drug user, heroin being the main source of his addiction. 

The morning session was then retired whilst Mr Khan was being assessed.

Returning for the afternoon session, Mr Khan returned to the courtroom, repeatedly asking if he could “come up to the bench your honour”, which was denied each time. Mr Khan then stated, “I want to vacate my plea to not guilty”. The Bench accepted his plea but said, "Mr Khan is not allowed to enter Oliver St until the case closes on November 20th, 2024”. The Bench also gave the condition that Mr Khan must find new legal advice from different solicitors for when he reappears at Coventry Magistrates Court on the given date. 

Case number 2:

Ex-partner found stalking previous partner and harassing her

Defendant: Thomas Bird

Victim: Ms Palacious

Venue: Coventry Magistrates Court

Hearing: First appearance

Charge: Stalking and harassing ex-partner by sending emails, following partner to Spain and threatening to visit her home.

Decision: Not Guilty

On October 10th 2024, Thomas Bird appeared in court to stand trial for his charges of stalking and harassment. 

The court was also told that the relationship between the victim and the defendant had ended in December 2022.

Mr Bird denied harassing the victim, but the prosecution brought up the trip to Spain that the couple had booked before the breakup. The court was told by Ms Palacious, the victim, that Mr Bird followed her onto the plane and allegedly assaulted her during the holiday. Mr Bird claimed, “I wasn’t aware we had split up when we went to Spain”, as he was in prison the night of the breakup.

After this evidence was revealed, the court was told that Mr Bird had begun sending emails to Ms Palacious, confessing his love to her. In one of the defendant’s emails, sent on 15th August 2023, Mr Bird asked the victim if she would meet him in the Old Oak Inn pub in Coventry, to which he got no reply. The follow-up email revealed that Mr Bird had threatened to go to Ms Palacious’s house to meet her and her children as he deemed it “was time we meet up again”. It was after this email that Ms Palacious responded with a firm “No please don’t contact me”, and registered for a non-molestation order to be placed on Mr Bird.

The final form of contact sent to the victim was a letter from Mr Bird while serving time in prison, and Mr Bird agreed that this was the last form of contact he sent to the victim.

The bench then retired while they discussed Mr Bird's sentencing. On return, they revealed that they found Mr Bird, not guilty. 

The case was then closed.

Case number 3:

Defendant: Ian Barlow

Victim: AP

Venue: Coventry Crown Court

Charge: Charged with Sexual Assault and Rape

Plea: not guilty 

Thirty-Six-year-old HGV driver, Ian Barlow faces charges of Rape and Sexual assault after he attended his hearing in Coventry Crown Court on the 31st of January at 2:00 pm.

With the jury present, the prosecution presented their case towards the judge, highlighting that Mr Barlow had nonconsensual intercourse with the victim at a social gathering in Birmingham on the 25th of October at 1 am. The Judge proceeded to reveal evidence to the court about the injury the victim had sustained to her neck, with forensic medical examiner, Susan Brown stating, “It is unlikely that this injury was an accident”

The judge then asked for the jury's attention as he recalled the evidence from the case so far. The defendant claims he was not guilty as he mentioned how he only went to the toilet for a wee, to which he found the victim ‘undone’ in the shower. Following this interaction in the bathroom, the defendant then mentioned that the victim “invited me to come on her bed”, to which both victim and defendant began having sexual intercourse, with Mr Barlow claiming that the victim “did not say no or stop”.

After all the evidence had been presented, the defence again told the judge that the victim “is making this up.” 

Following the defence’s statement, the judge spoke to the jury directly, asking them to use their common sense when deciding on a verdict for the case. With the jury informed of the evidence of the case, the usher escorted them to another room where they discussed a verdict. 

After the break, the jury returned to the courtroom and decided that they needed more time to determine a verdict for the case. With the judge accepting this, the sentencing is scheduled for the beginning of February.

Ian Barlow will face sentencing on the 3rd of February at 10:00 am.


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