Coventry Rugby Club

What have i been doing with them?

I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to work with the Coventry Rugby Club media team, forefronted by a man called Daniel Lewis. Every Tuesday I go up to the stadium to help shoot social media content to be posted onto their Instagram and TikTok accounts. I also help out with conducting player interviews and creating graphics which are also posted onto their social media profiles. Occasionally on game day weekends I also go to the games and live feed the games on Twitter to their fanbase. This page will show everything that I have been doing with this amazing team…

Coventry Rugby Spaceball Challenge

As part of an extra curricular project with Coventry University, we were tasked with making a new Youtube series in collaboration with the club. Spaceball looks to cover all the players in the team as they attempt to get the best score in this Garry Owen challenge.

As for my contribution to the videos I shot the wide angle shots as well as being the main editor of the videos.